On this Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord I find myself focusing on how we, like the child Jesus, are presented to our God everyday, not by our mothers, although the Blessed Mother helps us if we ask her, but how we present ourselves to Him, every day, every moment. Some days, the person we present is better than others. Today is not a very good presentation day for me. Things have bothered me today and since this is a very busy week for me I seem to be focusing on the negative instead of the positive, I'm trying to influence the day instead of letting the Lord influence me. The Lord Our God deserves better than this.
More prayer is needed....and humility....and humbleness.
I like this.."The Presentation...of me". Everyday, good or bad is a presentation isn't it.
Thank God for all days, good or bad, that we might learn and grow closer to Him through these experiences. Maybe we might even use this experience to comfort another person down the road....Who knows!
God bless
For me every time I go to mass, I am the offering. With all my failings and discomforts. This is not something I always knew. For me, these are words that were given while in prayer. As I reread this , I feel every mass, or every morning offering can be like "the Sabath". Please allow me to share words that really changed the way I looked at mass. Maybe we are all suppose to know this, but I never did. "You know my child, every Sabbath that reigns on you, rains like stars from the heavens. You must offer up all of your gifts at his banquet so as to anoint yourself as an offering to him. He will accept your gifts and lead you into a place closer than you have ever been before. My child, know that I am with you. I hold you now because you are my child. I love you as I do all my children. You must enter into my presence today, so I may help you through these feelings you are having. You are not alone. I am with you.
Thank you so much, Anon. for that sharing. For awhile a few years back I was able to leave work for morning Mass. That only lasted 2 or 3 months, and people began to talk, saying how it wasn't fair that I could leave and they couldn't, blah, blah, none of which was true but it all just became too much to deal with here at work. But during the time I was able to go Daily Mass became something really continual, a very real part of my life everyday, and that presentation to Our Lord had it's own new meaning. But that was then, and this is now, and I've always regretted ending going to Daily Mass, regretted giving in to you-know-who. My wife goes everyday and I'm able to join her on Saturday morning for Mass and with that everyday partaking of the Eucharist I believe she sees everything a little different. Every thought, every action of hers is filtered through Christ, that with the Body and Blood she truly puts on the body of Christ. Myself, my time here is different; to present myself as Jesus to God and my fellow workers here in the shop everyday, where I usually fail miserably. My small and insignifacant cross to bear for Him who carried much more. Thanks again...
My hope would be that God loves me so much, it wouldn't matter how I present myself to Him, He will love and accept me no matter what. The reality is, I don't believe that. I always think I have to be perfect before God will love me and if I dare to show my imperfections, He will turn His back on me to favor someone else who is better than me. That goes for fellow humans as well. It's a long road I'm working on.
I love anonymous' comments!
Anne, thanks to Anonymous for saying it much better than I. The last 6 or so lines in his reply say it all. 'He loves us, no matter what.' We here on earth just have to figure that mystery out, and when and if we do, or can, we'll maybe find ourselves in that place where God lives deep inside of us. That, I think for me is the real Journey; to find God inside of me.
Anne, as I have heard over and over again in the readings of daily mass lately, We are to live a very delicate balance. If we don't carefully balance the admittance of our weakness (sin)with the beauty of His unconditional love, we won't understand the whole picture. He asks us to come for forgiveness. We will always be loved, but will also spend the rest of our lives living in the shadow of our sin unless we repent and change. That is going to the light! If you remember those 2 sides to the coin you are doing what he asks.
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