Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The Rosary

This past Monday evening our Parish had its first Evening Rosary, which consisted of H, myself and two women, one who had never finished a Rosary and one who never says the Rosary out loud. You could say it was a first for both. Although only two people showed up I still deem it a success, as on that beautiful, warm, late spring night two more voices floated up to Heaven in prayer. I hope they return in two weeks, and I hope I can do a better job, act a little bit more confident, etc. I don't think H won't be there to help, (she is much better at explaining things than me. I called the Pearl of the Mystery "the bullet point" DUH!) Regardless, I will continue even if I'm alone, which is a joy in itself. I do hope word gets around and a few more people come. The Virgin Mother says "Pray, pray, pray!", so that is what we will do.


Searching for His truth said...

I think it went well and I heard one of the woman speaking of it this morning at mass. I pray that our parish will learn the beauty of praying the rosary together. I also pray that maybe they will leave the lights on for you. H

kam said...

Thank you!