Tuesday, April 13, 2010

...so many flowers...

Oh, how God works, letting me know that I am not in charge. I finally found the time (busy night!) to write on different thoughts that have come my way over the last week or so. As I dug through my book bag I was lead to pull out a book I haven't used in a while. I opened it at random, as one should, and these were Her words to me:

"Hello My child! Bright and clean is the way I
would have your soul. This is how you should
look before my Son, but still you have so many corners-
yet you do not allow Me to enter! I ask you to give
Me every little patch of your soul. I wish to cultivate
it and make it beautiful for God, hidden to the world.
Be on guard not to parade your brightness
before men, lest you become smug and complacent
and thus remain in a state of illusion! I am greatly
pleased when you want Me to help you and you no
longer rely on your own merits but mine to give your
soul a lustre, so that before God you will look beautiful.
My child, so many flowers have yet to be planted.
Set the ground by your prayer and fidelity to Me.
I bless you."

These words are from 'All Through Mary, Devotion to Our Lady's Message of Mercy to The World', otherwise known as Mary's Blue Book. Truly God has blessed me, though I don't know why, I don't understand any of it. I do believe one thing, though; if we turn our hearts and minds to Him, He will guide us. If we give every moment over to God, he will be with us. For me, all of Lent and Easter, as it happened, this year, did not sink in. I think I tried too hard to find answers to questions that have no real answers. At times I stumbled, and was left wondering. Holy Thursday and Good Friday almost became too much, as I think my soul was searching and finding but my mind became dim from looking through eyes not seeing. Why, I asked, and still do, why did it slip away? It was similar as with Christmas. No matter what, it comes on in a rush and I'm left panting.
The Octave Week gave me a chance to look again, so to speak, to try to find Jesus where He is, with me on my own road to Emmaus. And at times, I did.
Tonight the reading from The Blue Book opened me up yet again, as the B.V.M. speaks to me, to us, once more. "...so many flowers have yet to be planted..." that thought I keep turning over and over in my mind.

Oh, Lord, as you gave us strength and graces
on Divine Mercy Sunday, showing me that the
Risen You walks with us every day, and Your
precious touch is there, waiting for us to ask.


Daily Grace said...

I have recently been reading about the Mary Gardens that St. Benedict and others early Christians planted.

"Picture her eyes (Forget-Me-Nots), her hair (Maidenhair Fem), her five fingers (Potentilla). Think about her apparel: her smock (Morning Glory), her veil (Baby's Breath), her nightcap (Canterbury Bells), her gloves (Foxglove), and her shoes (Columbine). Remember her attributes: Mary's humility (Violet), the fruitful virgin (Strawberry), Mary's queenship (Virgin Lily), Mary's Flower of God (English Daisy), Mary's glory (Saint John's Wort), and Our Lady's Faith (Veronica).

Yes, so many flowers have yet to be planted. But like a faithful servant, you continually look for our Lord to guide you and “Truly God has blessed you”

Our Lady’s message is beautiful, I don’t have this book but I am going to see if I can get one.

Thanks for sharing. Peace, DG

puzzled said...

How lovely, Kam. Thank you for sharing.

A Secular Franciscan said...

The flowers in our yard give me an opportunity to thank God - and my darling gardening wife, who was His instrument in helping to make all this beauty possible!